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Inkscape - Vektorisieren englisch

How To Vectorize a PNG Logo with Inkscape
If the only copies you have for your logo are rasterized formats like PNG and JPG, then you won't be able to reap the benefits of having a vector SVG file, like infinite scaling and being able to edit your logo in the future. In that case, you'll need to generate a vector copy of your logo using vector design software, and that's what I'll be demonstrating in this video.

How to turn an Image into a Vector

Inkscape Tutorial: Vector Image Trace
Manually create a simple vector tracing of any image. This technique can be used to create vector cartoon images as well.

Inkscape Tutorial: Vector Colored Pencil Graphic
This tutorial is for Inkscape version 0.48 and is intended to teach you how to use the software.

Inkscape Tutorial: Vector Flame Icon
This tutorial is for Inkscape version 0.48 and is intended to teach you how to use the software.

How to Convert an Image to an SVG in Inkscape: How to clean up a blended image for Design Space

How to create a layer SVG with Inkscape

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